General Education
General Education at UIC: An Overview
General Education is an important part of every undergraduate degree program. The General Education Program provides students with a breadth of exposure to the academic disciplines and serves as the foundation for the knowledge, skills, and competencies essential to becoming well-educated college graduates and citizens.
The program ensures a certain level of intellectual breadth, while at the same time allowing students the opportunity to select courses or clusters of courses around areas of their own interests. Specifically, the program:
- provides intellectual guidance by identifying six broad areas of knowledge that correspond to the kinds of experiences that a liberally educated person should have.
- makes clear to students what they are taking and why.
- is an open system that does not bind departments into one category. This model thus allows for the development of interdepartmental courses over time. It also allows students to gain interdisciplinary perspectives, which was one of the hoped for outcomes of revising General Education.
- gives individual colleges some freedom to adjust the General Education requirements to suit their own needs. Although there is a campus wide minimum of one course from each General Education category, colleges may add additional course requirements.
The General Education Program at UIC
The General Education Program at UIC is designed to serve as a foundation for lifelong learning. It also helps prepare students for the world beyond the college experience, a world in which one needs to be able to:
- think independently.
- understand and critically evaluate information.
- analyze and evaluate arguments.
- develop and present cogent written and oral arguments.
- explore one’s own culture and history as well as those of others.
- understand, interpret, and evaluate the arts.
- think critically about how individuals influence and are influenced by political, economic, cultural, and family institutions.
The General Education Program at UIC (sometimes referred to as Gen Ed or GE) has two main components: a grouping of core courses that are clustered around six themes and sets of required proficiencies. The specific requirements vary from college to college. All colleges, however, require a minimum of 24 semester hours of credit with at least one course in each of the six categories of General Education and proficiency in writing (as demonstrated by successful completion of ENGL 160 and ENGL 161 or by certain scores on placement or other tests). Note: Students may count up to two courses in their major toward their General Education requirements. If students have a double major, then two courses from each of the majors may be applied toward General Education.
General Education Proficiencies
The University Writing requirement is common across all colleges. Individual colleges may have additional General Education requirements and proficiencies. Students should consult their college and department sections of the catalog for information about fulfilling the General Education requirements as a required part of their degree program.
University Writing Requirement
Students must demonstrate proficiency in written English by earning passing grades in ENGL 160 and ENGL 161, or by achieving proficiency (see section on Demonstrating Writing Proficiency for a Waiver of ENGL 160 or ENGL 161) in one or both of these courses certified in writing by the Department of English. The Department of English reserves the right to require a student to take a preparatory course as a prerequisite for ENGL 160 if the student’s score on the Writing Placement Test reveals the need for such a course. Whenever questions arise with regard to the fulfillment of the University Writing requirement through transfer courses, a writing portfolio, or standard examinations, the Department of English will determine whether to grant the student an exemption from the requirement.
Students should consult their college section of the catalog for more information on fulfilling the University Writing requirement as part of their degree program.
General Education Core
The General Education Core includes the following six categories. This section of the catalog provides a description and list of courses for each category.
Analyzing the Natural World
A central principle of a knowledge-based society is that, where possible, experimental tests should be designed to critically evaluate the accuracy of an idea or physical law. It is crucial that students understand both how accurate experimental results are obtained and how uncertainties in these results affect scientific conclusions. Courses in this category provide an understanding of scientific method and the factual knowledge necessary to develop hypotheses, to test them, and to distinguish those conclusions resting on unsupported assertion from those verified by sound scientific reasoning. Theories also play an important role in the way we see the world around us. In the natural sciences, theories are developed to explain experimental observation, form the basis for the design of further experiments, and provide the foundation for advances in technology. Mathematics provides appropriate tools (such as calculus) necessary to formulate the scientific theories.
Courses in this category should introduce students to scientific and mathematical concepts and methods. They should be designed to facilitate the students’ ability to do one or more of the following:
- Understand and critically evaluate information and concepts in the natural and mathematical sciences.
- Use and understand scientific method to analyze ideas and obtain knowledge.
- Appreciate the value of and difference between scientific laws, theories, hypotheses, and speculation.
- Use scientific and mathematical reasoning to make relevant distinctions among ideas.
- Think critically about contemporary issues in science and technology.
- Logically and clearly communicate experimental results and observations to others.
- Analyze quantitative information and draw conclusions from these analyses.
Code | Title | Hours |
Analyzing the Natural World Courses | ||
Anthropology | ||
ANTH 102 | Introduction to Archaeology c,g | 4 |
ANTH 105 | Human Evolution c,g | 4 |
ANTH 238 | Biology of Women (Same as GWS 238) b,g,h | 3 |
Biological Sciences | ||
BIOS 104 | Biology for Non-majors g | 4 |
BIOS 110 | Biology of Cells and Organisms | 4 |
BIOS 120 | Biology of Populations and Communities | 4 |
Chemical Engineering | ||
CHE 150 | Climate Engineering for Global Warming h | 3 |
Chemistry | ||
CHEM 100 | Chemistry and Life g | 5 |
CHEM 105 | Chemistry and the Molecular Human: An Inquiry Perspective g | 4 |
CHEM 115 | Comprehensive General and Organic Chemistry | 5 |
CHEM 116 | Honors and Majors General and Analytical Chemistry I | 5 |
CHEM 118 | Honors and Majors General and Analytical Chemistry II | 5 |
CHEM 122 | Matter and Energy h,i | 3 |
CHEM 123 | Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I i | 2 |
CHEM 124 | Chemical Dynamics h,i | 3 |
CHEM 125 | Foundations of Chemical Inquiry II i | 2 |
CHEM 130 | Survey of Organic and Biochemistry | 5 |
Computer Science | ||
CS 100 | Discovering Computer Science h | 3 |
Disability and Human Development | ||
DHD 206 | Disability, Inclusive Cities, and Environmental Accessibility f,h | 3 |
Earth and Environmental Sciences | ||
EAES 101 | Global Environmental Change | 4 |
EAES 105 | Climate, Contamination, and Chicago h | 2 |
EAES 111 | Earth, Energy, and the Environment | 4 |
EAES 200 | 2 | |
EAES 203 | The Science and Rhetorics of Climate Change (same as ENGL 203) h | 3 |
Economics | ||
ECON 106 | Tobacconomics b,h | 3 |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | ||
ECE 115 | Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering | 4 |
Honors College | ||
HON 130 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World and Understanding the Individual and Society b,h | 3 |
HON 131 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World and Understanding the Past c,h | 3 |
HON 132 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World and Understanding the Creative Arts d,h | 3 |
HON 133 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World and Exploring World Cultures e,h | 3 |
HON 134 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World and Understanding U.S. Society f,h | 3 |
HON 145 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World h | 3 |
Human Nutrition | ||
HN 196 | Nutrition h | 3 |
Kinesiology | ||
KN 152 | Introduction to Exercise Physiology and Health | 3 |
Mathematical Computer Science | ||
MCS 160 | Introduction to Computer Science h | 4 |
Mathematics | ||
MATH 125 | Elementary Linear Algebra h | 5 |
MATH 160 | Finite Mathematics for Business h | 5 |
MATH 165 | Calculus for Business h | 5 |
MATH 170 | Calculus for the Life Sciences h | 4 |
MATH 180 | Calculus I h | 4 |
MATH 181 | Calculus II h | 4 |
MATH 210 | Calculus III h | 3 |
Music | ||
MUS 116 | The Science and History of Sound in the Arts (Same as ART 116) h | 3 |
Natural Sciences | ||
NATS 105 | Physical Systems in Earth and Space Science g | 4 |
NATS 106 | Chemical and Biological Systems g | 4 |
Philosophy | ||
PHIL 102 | Introductory Logic h | 3 |
PHIL 105 | Science and Philosophy h | 3 |
Physics | ||
PHYS 112 | Astronomy and the Universe g | 4 |
PHYS 116 | Energy for Future Decision-Makers (same as EAES 116) h | 3 |
PHYS 118 | Physics in Modern Medicine h | 3 |
PHYS 131 | Introductory Physics for Life Sciences I | 4 |
PHYS 132 | Introductory Physics for Life Sciences II | 4 |
PHYS 141 | General Physics I (Mechanics) | 4 |
PHYS 142 | General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) | 4 |
Public Health | ||
PUBH 120 | Public Health and the Study of Disease and Epidemics h | 3 |
- a
also approved for Analyzing the Natural World
- b
also approved for Understanding the Individual and Society
- c
also approved for Understanding the Past
- d
also approved for Understanding the Creative Arts
- e
also approved for Exploring World Cultures
- f
also approved for Understanding U.S. Society
- g
indicates courses specifically designed for those majoring in areas other than science and mathematics
- h
nonlaboratory courses
- i
Each of the following pairs will be considered one course in meeting the LAS General Education requirements: CHEM 122/CHEM 123; CHEM 124/CHEM 125.
Understanding the Individual and Society
The primary goal of the Individual and Society requirement is to enhance understanding of the complex activities of individuals and their relations with each other and with groups, institutions, governments, media, and society. Courses within this category seek to:
- enhance knowledge and appreciation of the diversity of individuals, societies, and cultures
- advance the understanding of human relationships within different contexts and
- explore the gathering and assessing of knowledge within any social setting or activity.
Courses present theories about the human activities and ideas and demonstrate how scholars use qualitative, quantitative, and humanistic methods to evaluate those theories. They may also explore the ways that knowledge is formed about the self and the world in historical, literary, philosophical, and scientific realms.
Courses in this category should introduce students either to the complexities of the individual or the relationship of the individual to social structures. They should be designed to facilitate the students’ ability to do one or more of the following:
- Recognize, describe, and explain social institutions, structures, and processes and the complexities of a global culture and diverse society.
- Think critically about how individuals influence and are influenced by political, geographic, economic, cultural, and family institutions in their own and other cultures and explain how one’s knowledge and beliefs may differ from others.
- Explain the relationship between the individual and society as it influences
- individuals’ cognition, ethics, social interactions, communication practices and affect; and
- the quality of life of the individual, the family, and the community.
- Examine how literature, history, ethical systems, scientific inquiry, or communicative practice shape our knowledge and perception of individuals and social structures.
- Using the most appropriate principles, methods, and technologies, gather and analyze previous inquiry regarding the relationships between individuals and society, draw logical conclusions about such inquiry, and creatively or scientifically apply those conclusions to one’s life and society.
Code | Title | Hours |
Understanding the Individual and Society Courses | ||
Anthropology | ||
ANTH 101 | World Cultures: Introduction to Social Anthropology e | 3 |
ANTH 215 | Anthropology of Religion (Same as RELS 215) e | 3 |
ANTH 216 | Medicine, Culture, and Society e | 3 |
ANTH 218 | Anthropology of Children and Childhood | 3 |
ANTH 238 | Biology of Women (Same as GWS 238) a | 3 |
ANTH 273 | Ethnography of Southeast Asia (Same as GEOG 273) e | 3 |
ANTH 277 | Ethnography of Meso-America (Same as LALS 270 ) e | 3 |
ANTH 279 | South Asian Cultures and Societies (Same as GLAS 279) e | 3 |
Architecture | ||
ARCH 200 | Architecture and Society d | 4 |
Art | ||
ART 110 | Introduction to Art Education d | 4 |
ART 290 | Art and Resistance: Socially Engaged Art | 4 |
Art History | ||
AH 101 | The Naked and the Nude: Studies in Visual Literacy | 3 |
AH 180 | Intro to Museum & Exhibition d | 3 |
Black Studies | ||
BLST 100 | Introduction to Black Studies f | 3 |
BLST 103 | Black Politics and Culture in the United States (Same as POLS 112) f | 3 |
BLST 104 | Race, Place, and Schooling: Black Americans and Education (Same as EDPS 104) f | 3 |
BLST 207 | Racism: Global Perspectives (Same as SOC 207) e | 3 |
BLST 263 | Black Intellectual History (Same as HIST 263) c | 3 |
BLST 271 | Race and the Politics of Incarceration (Same as CLJ 271 and SOC 271) f | 3 |
BLST 272 | Race, Gender, and Sexuality (Same as GWS 272) f | 3 |
Classics | ||
CL 208 | Classical Mythology (same as RELS 208) c | 3 |
Communication | ||
COMM 100 | Fundamentals of Human Communication | 3 |
COMM 101 | Introduction to Communication | 3 |
COMM 102 | Introduction to Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COMM 103 | Introduction to Media | 3 |
COMM 140 | Fundamentals of Social Media and Communication | 3 |
Dialogue | ||
DLG 220 | Intergroup Dialogue f | 3 |
Disability and Human Development | ||
DHD 101 | Disability in U.S. Society f | 3 |
DHD 201 | Disability, Rights, and Culture | 3 |
DHD 202 | Disability, Health, and Society | 3 |
DHD 205 | Disability, Race, Class and Gender (Same as GWS 205) | 3 |
Economics | ||
ECON 106 | Tobacconomics a | 3 |
ECON 111 | Freakonomics | 3 |
ECON 120 | Principles of Microeconomics f | 4 |
ECON 121 | Principles of Macroeconomics f | 4 |
Education | ||
ED 100 | Introduction to Urban Education f | 3 |
ED 101 | Critical Literacies in a Digital Democracy | 3 |
ED 135 | Child and Youth Policies in Urban America f | 3 |
ED 205 | Introduction to Race, Ethnicity, and Education f | 3 |
ED 217 | STEM, Education, and Society: Exploring Identity, Community, Ethics, Politics, and Ideology | 3 |
ED 222 | Introduction to Gender, Sexuality, and Education f | 3 |
ED 258 | Language Development and Learning in a Diverse Society f | 3 |
ED 264 | Sport, Education, and Society | 3 |
Educational Psychology | ||
EPSY 100 | Introduction to Human Development and Learning | 3 |
EPSY 160 | Games, Learning, and Society (Same as ED 160) | 3 |
EPSY 242 | Introduction to Sexuality Development Across the Lifespan | 3 |
English | ||
ENGL 135 | Understanding Popular Genres and Culture d | 3 |
ENGL 154 | Understanding Rhetoric d | 3 |
ENGL 230 | Introduction to Film and Culture (Same as MOVI 230) d | 3 |
ENGL 245 | Introduction to Gender, Sexuality and Literature (Same as GWS 245) d | 3 |
ENGL 247 | Women and Literature (Same as GWS 247) d | 3 |
ENGL 253 | Environmental Rhetoric f | 3 |
ENGL 258 | The Grammar and Style of Non-Standard Englishes in the U.S. f | 3 |
Entrepreneurship | ||
ENTR 200 | Survey of Entrepreneurship f | 3 |
Finance | ||
FIN 250 | Personal Finance | 3 |
Gender and Women’s Studies | ||
GWS 101 | Gender in Everyday Life f | 3 |
GWS 102 | Global Perspectives on Women and Gender e | 3 |
GWS 204 | Gender and Popular Culture (Same as COMM 204) f | 3 |
GWS 262 | Constructions of Gender, Race, Health, and Human Rights (Same as ANTH 262) e | 3 |
Geography | ||
GEOG 161 | Introduction to Economic Geography e | 3 |
GEOG 203 | Human Geography of Latin America including the Caribbean Region (Same as LALS 217) e | 3 |
Germanic Studies | ||
GER 120 | Study of Gender, Class, and Political Issues in German Texts (Same as GWS 120) e | 3 |
GER 240 | Classical German Thought from Kant to Nietzsche c | 3 |
Global Asian Studies | ||
GLAS 120 | Introduction to Asian American Studies (Same as SOC 120) f | 3 |
GLAS 210 | Asian American Histories (Same as HIST 210) f | 3 |
GLAS 230 | Cultural Politics of Asian American Food f | 3 |
GLAS 250 | Critical Issues in Community Engagement f | 3 |
GLAS 263 | Asian American Gender and Sexual Diversity (Same as GWS 263) f | 3 |
History | ||
HIST 117 | Understanding the Holocaust (Same as JST 117 and RELS 117) c | 3 |
HIST 137 | Russia in War and Revolution, 1904-1922 c | 3 |
HIST 211 | The Dawn of European Modernity, 1500-1715 c | 3 |
HIST 213 | Europe in the Age of Capitalism and Imperialism, 1815 - 1914 c | 3 |
HIST 214 | Twentieth-Century Europe c | 3 |
HIST 220 | Modern Germany, 1848 to the Present c | 3 |
HIST 224 | France: 1500 to 1715 c | 3 |
HIST 233 | East Central Europe and the Balkans: From Empires to Nation-States c | 3 |
HIST 234 | The Making of Modern Poland (Same as POL 234) c | 3 |
HIST 235 | The Rise and Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe c | 3 |
HIST 237 | The Russian Empire in the Modern Period: History, Culture and the Challenges of Diversity c | 3 |
HIST 282 | Global Enlightenment: Empire and the 18th-Century European Imagination of the World c | 3 |
Honors College | ||
HON 120 | Honors Core in Understanding Individual and Society and Understanding the Past c | 3 |
HON 121 | Honors Core in Understanding Individual and Society and Understanding Creative Arts d | 3 |
HON 122 | Honors Core in Understanding Individual and Society and Exploring World Cultures e | 3 |
HON 123 | Honors Core in Understanding Individual and Society and Understanding U.S. Society f | 3 |
HON 130 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World and Understanding the Individual and Society a | 3 |
HON 140 | Honors Core in Understanding the Individual and Society | 3 |
Humanities | ||
HUM 101 | ||
HUM 120 | Engaged Humanities: Understanding the Individual and Society | 4 |
Industrial Engineering | ||
IE 118 | Energy for Sustainable Society (Same as ME 118) | 3 |
Italian | ||
ITAL 270 | Migration, Society and Identity in the Italian and Italian American Experience (Same as ENGL 270) f | 3 |
Jewish Studies | ||
JST 101 | Introduction to Judaism (Same as RELS 121) | 3 |
JST 102 | Introduction to Jewish History (Same as RELS 126) c | 3 |
Kinesiology | ||
KN 150 | The Healthy Human | 3 |
Latin American and Latino Studies | ||
LALS 103 | Introduction to Latino Urban Studies f | 3 |
LALS 220 | Latin American Cities in a Global Context: Environment, Employment, and Housing (Same as US 220) e | 3 |
LALS 269 | Latin American Environmental Studies e | 3 |
LALS 276 | Latinas in the United States (Same as GWS 276 and SOC 226) f | 3 |
Linguistics | ||
LING 150 | Introduction to the Study of Language | 3 |
LING 160 | Language and Society f | 3 |
LING 170 | Languages of the World e | 3 |
LING 260 | Language Acquisition, Language Contact and Bilingualism f | 3 |
Music | ||
MUS 240 | Music, Gender and Culture (Same as GWS 240) d | 3 |
Philosophy | ||
PHIL 100 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 101 | Critical and Analytical Reasoning | 3 |
PHIL 103 | Introduction to Ethics | 3 |
PHIL 104 | Introduction to Political Philosophy f | 3 |
PHIL 106 | What Is Religion? (Same as RELS 106) | 3 |
PHIL 108 | What Is Freedom? | 3 |
PHIL 109 | Who Am I? | 3 |
PHIL 110 | Philosophy of Love and Sex | 3 |
PHIL 111 | What Is a Fact? | 3 |
PHIL 112 | Morality and the Law | 3 |
PHIL 113 | Philosophy in the Information Age | 3 |
PHIL 115 | Death | 3 |
PHIL 120 | Introduction to Ancient Philosophy (Same as CL 120) c | 3 |
PHIL 131 | Educational Ethics (Same as ED 131) f | 3 |
PHIL 225 | Nineteenth Century Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 240 | Philosophy and Revelation: Jewish and Christian Perspectives (Same as RELS 240 and JST 240) e | 3 |
Political Science | ||
POLS 101 | Introduction to American Government and Politics f | 3 |
POLS 120 | Introduction to Political Theory c | 3 |
POLS 130 | Introduction to Comparative Politics (Same as INST 130) | 3 |
POLS 184 | Introduction to International Relations (Same as INST 184) e | 3 |
POLS 190 | 3 | |
Psychology | ||
PSCH 100 | Introduction to Psychology | 4 |
PSCH 210 | Theories of Personality | 3 |
PSCH 231 | Community Psychology | 3 |
PSCH 270 | Introduction to Psychological and Behavioral Disorders | 3 |
PSCH 271 | Resilience: The Psychology of Positive Adaptation | 3 |
Public Policy | ||
PPOL 100 | Individual Action and Democratic Citizenship | 3 |
PPOL 101 | Contemporary Issues in Public Policy f | 3 |
PPOL 232 | International Development Policy e | 3 |
Public Health | ||
PUBH 100 | Health and the Public f | 3 |
PUBH 110 | Public Health and Global Societies e | 3 |
Religious Studies | ||
RELS 100 | Religion in Human Experience | 3 |
Social Justice | ||
SJ 101 | Introduction to Social Justice: Stories and Struggles | 3 |
Sociology | ||
SOC 100 | Introduction to Sociology f | 3 |
SOC 105 | Social Problems f | 3 |
SOC 215 | Sociology of Childhood and Youth f | 3 |
SOC 224 | Gender and Society (Same as GWS 224) f | 3 |
SOC 225 | Racial and Ethnic Groups (Same as BLST 225 and LALS 225) f | 3 |
SOC 228 | Sociology of Asia and Asian Americans (Same as GLAS 228) f | 3 |
SOC 229 | Sociology of Latinos (Same as LALS 229) f | 3 |
SOC 241 | Social Inequalities f | 3 |
SOC 244 | Sociology of Work f | 3 |
SOC 245 | Marriage and Family f | 3 |
SOC 246 | Sociology of Religion (Same as RELS 246) f | 3 |
SOC 251 | Health and Medicine f | 3 |
SOC 265 | Sociology of Politics | 3 |
SOC 268 | Introduction to Comparative Sociology e | 3 |
SOC 276 | Urban Sociology f | 3 |
Spanish | ||
SPAN 192 | Latin American Women Writers in Translation (Same as GWS 192 and LALS 192) e | 3 |
Special Education | ||
SPED 202 | International Perspectives: Inclusive Education and Schooling (same as ED 202) e | 3 |
Urban Studies | ||
US 100 | Concepts in Geography (Same as GEOG 100) e | 3 |
US 140 | Introduction to Urban Transportation | 3 |
US 205 | Cinema and the City | 3 |
US 208 | Mapping the Urban: Cartography and its Alternatives (Same as GEOG 208) | 3 |
US 220 | Latin American Cities in a Global Context: Environment, Employment, and Housing e | 3 |
- a
also approved for Analyzing the Natural World
- b
also approved for Understanding the Individual and Society
- c
also approved for Understanding the Past
- d
also approved for Understanding the Creative Arts
- e
also approved for Exploring World Cultures
- f
also approved for Understanding U.S. Society
Understanding the Past
The study of past events and ideas enables students to view the present within the context of the past, appreciate both the liberating and constraining features of tradition, and understand what forces have affected their own lives as well as those of peoples in different cultures. The objects of study in these courses include the human past and its historical record; the emergence and transformation of nations, states, ideas, and civilizations; traditions and modes of human thought; the relationship between ideas and practices; and the implications of scientific discovery and technological innovation.
Courses in this category should have as their primary focus significant past events. They should be designed to facilitate the students’ ability to do one or more of the following:
- Understand the implication and meaning of technological innovation and scientific discovery for the development of human society.
- Critically analyze the cultural, economic, geographical, and political processes that influenced historical events.
- Recognize, describe, and explain the nature of past historical events and their consequences for the present.
- Examine the relationship between individuals and past events, their interactions, and the repercussions of these interactions.
- Understand and explain the significance and influence of the past and its connection to current political, scientific, and cultural forces.
Code | Title | Hours |
Understanding the Past Courses | ||
Anthropology | ||
ANTH 100 | The Human Adventure e | 3 |
ANTH 102 | Introduction to Archaeology a | 4 |
ANTH 105 | Human Evolution a | 4 |
Arabic | ||
ARAB 250 | The Heritage of Muslim Iberia e | 3 |
Architecture | ||
ARCH 210 | Architecture as Archetype: Explorations of the City and Its Forms | 3 |
Art History | ||
AH 122 | History of Chicago Architecture d | 3 |
AH 130 | Photography in History | 3 |
AH 150 | Art and Money d | 3 |
AH 209 | Near Eastern Art and Archaeology (Same as CL 209) d | 3 |
AH 210 | Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology (Same as BLST 210 and CL 210) d | 3 |
AH 259 | Art in the Age of Enlightenment and Revolution d | 3 |
Black Studies | ||
BLST 101 | Introduction to Black Diaspora Studies e | 3 |
BLST 125 | Black Religious Traditions (Same as RELS 125) f | 3 |
BLST 246 | Black Lives in Historical Context (Same as HIST 243) f | 3 |
BLST 247 | African American History to 1877 (Same as HIST 247) f | 3 |
BLST 248 | African American History since 1877 (Same as HIST 248) f | 3 |
BLST 249 | Black Freedom Movements in the U.S. f | 3 |
BLST 263 | Black Intellectual History (Same as HIST 263) b | 3 |
BLST 265 | Harlem Renaissance (Same as ENGL 265) f | 3 |
Classics | ||
CL 100 | Greek Civilization | 3 |
CL 101 | Roman Civilization | 3 |
CL 102 | Introduction to Classical Literature d | 3 |
CL 103 | Introduction to Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology d | 3 |
CL 204 | Greek Art and Archaeology (Same as AH 204 and HIST 204) d | 3 |
CL 205 | Roman Art and Archaeology (Same as AH 205 and HIST 205) d | 3 |
CL 208 | Classical Mythology (Same as RELS 208) b | 3 |
CL 218 | Pompeii: Everyday Life in a Roman Town (Same as AH 218 and HIST 218) | 3 |
CL 250 | Greek and Roman Epic Poetry d | 3 |
CL 251 | Greek Tragedy d | 3 |
CL 252 | Greek and Roman Comedy d | 3 |
CL 253 | Roman Satire and Rhetoric d | 3 |
CL 297 | Studies in the Classical Tradition (Same as ENGL 297) d | 3 |
English | ||
ENGL 208 | English Studies I: Beginnings to the 17th Century d | 3 |
ENGL 213 | Introduction to Shakespeare d | 3 |
Germanic Studies | ||
GER 125 | Diaspora, Exile, Genocide: Aspects of the European Jewish Experience in Literature and Film. (Same as JST 125 and RELS 127) e | 3 |
GER 219 | Princesses and Storytellers: Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm and Their Cultural Afterlives d | 3 |
GER 228 | The Making of Modern Germany: The Nation in the World, 1750-1918 (Same as HIST 228) | 3 |
GER 240 | Classical German Thought from Kant to Nietzsche b | 3 |
Global Asian Studies | ||
GLAS 252 | U.S. Racism and Imperialism (same as BLST 252) f | 3 |
GLAS 215 | Techno-Orientalism: Race, Media and Society (same as HIST 215) | 3 |
Greek, Modern | ||
GKM 285 | Cultural History of Modern Greece: 1453 to the Present (Same as HIST 285) | 3 |
GKM 286 | Modern Greek Cities: Historical-Ethnographic Survey (Same as HIST 286) | 3 |
GKM 296 | Fascism and Dictatorship in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean (Same as HIST 296 and POLS 296) | 3 |
History | ||
HIST 100 | Western Civilization to 1648 e | 3 |
HIST 101 | Western Civilization Since 1648 e | 3 |
HIST 103 | Early America: From Colonization to Civil War and Reconstruction f | 3 |
HIST 104 | Modern America: From Industrialization to Globalization f | 3 |
HIST 105 | Global Transformations and the Rise of the West Since 1000 (Same as INST 105) e | 3 |
HIST 106 | The World Since 1400: Converging Worlds, New Circulations (Same as INST 106) e | 3 |
HIST 109 | East Asian Civilization: Ancient China (Same as GLAS 109) e | 3 |
HIST 117 | Understanding the Holocaust (Same as JST 117 and RELS 117) b | 3 |
HIST 137 | Russia in War and Revolution, 1904-1922 b | 3 |
HIST 161 | Introduction to Latin American History (Same as LALS 161) e | 3 |
HIST 170 | The Ottoman Empire e | 3 |
HIST 177 | Middle Eastern Civilization (Same as RELS 177) e | 3 |
HIST 200 | Gandhi: The History and Practice of Nonviolence (Same as GLAS 200) | 3 |
HIST 202 | Ancient Greece (Same as CL 202) e | 3 |
HIST 203 | Ancient Rome (Same as CL 203) e | 3 |
HIST 208 | History of Science in a Global Context | 3 |
HIST 211 | The Dawn of European Modernity, 1500-1715 b | 3 |
HIST 213 | Europe in the Age of Capitalism and Imperialism, 1815 - 1914 b | 3 |
HIST 214 | Twentieth-Century Europe b | 3 |
HIST 220 | Modern Germany, 1848 to the Present b | 3 |
HIST 221 | The Atlantic Slave Trade (Same as BLST 221) e | 3 |
HIST 222 | England to 1689 | 3 |
HIST 223 | Modern Britain Since 1689 | 3 |
HIST 224 | France: 1500 to 1715 b | 3 |
HIST 225 | The Age of Revolution in France: 1715-1848 e | 3 |
HIST 226 | France and the World, 1848-present e | 3 |
HIST 233 | East Central Europe and the Balkans: From Empires to Nation-States b | 3 |
HIST 234 | The Making of Modern Poland (Same as POL 234) b | 3 |
HIST 235 | The Rise and Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe b | 3 |
HIST 236 | Russia Between Europe and Asia: Eurasian Spaces and Peoples in the Premodern Era e | 3 |
HIST 237 | The Russian Empire in the Modern Period: History, Culture and the Challenges of Diversity b | 3 |
HIST 238 | Russia from Vladimir Lenin to Vladimir Putin | 3 |
HIST 239 | Twentieth-Century Russia in Film (Same as RUSS 239) | 3 |
HIST 240 | Radicalism in America: From the Revolution to Occupy Wall Street f | 3 |
HIST 241 | Precolonial Africa in World History (Same as BLST 241) e | 3 |
HIST 242 | History of Modern Africa (Same as BLST 242) e | 3 |
HIST 244 | Native American History (Same as NAST 244) | 3 |
HIST 245 | Imagining the American West f | 3 |
HIST 246 | History of American Capitalism (Same as POLS 246) f | 3 |
HIST 249 | The American Civil War f | 3 |
HIST 252 | Sexuality in America: Historical Perspectives (Same as GWS 252) f | 3 |
HIST 253 | The Worker in American Life f | 3 |
HIST 255 | History of Chicago f | 3 |
HIST 256 | Religion in American History (Same as RELS 256) f | 3 |
HIST 257 | U.S. Immigration History | 3 |
HIST 259 | Women and Gender in American History (Same as GWS 259) f | 3 |
HIST 261 | Latin America to 1850 (Same as LALS 261) e | 3 |
HIST 262 | Latin America Since 1850 (Same as LALS 262) e | 3 |
HIST 264 | The Pacific Rim in Modern History (Same as GLAS 264) e | 3 |
HIST 266 | Modern Mexico (Same as LALS 266) e | 3 |
HIST 267 | American Intellectual History to 1865 (Same as POLS 267) f | 3 |
HIST 268 | American Intellectual History since 1865 (Same as POLS 268) f | 3 |
HIST 269 | History of Central America (same as LALS 268) | 3 |
HIST 271 | Late Imperial China: 1500 to 1911 (Same as GLAS 271) e | 3 |
HIST 272 | China Since 1911 (Same as GLAS 272) e | 3 |
HIST 275 | History of South Asia to 1857 (Same as GLAS 275) e | 3 |
HIST 276 | Modern South Asia, 1857 to the Present (Same as GLAS 276) e | 3 |
HIST 277 | The Middle East to 1258 e | 3 |
HIST 278 | The Middle East Since 1258 e | 3 |
HIST 282 | Global Enlightenment: Empire and the 18th-Century European Imagination of the World b | 3 |
HIST 289 | Latina/o History (Same as LALS 289) | 3 |
HIST 293 | The Gilded and the Gritty: Power, Culture, and the Making of 20th-century America f | 3 |
Honors College | ||
HON 120 | Honors Core in Understanding Individual and Society and Understanding the Past b | 3 |
HON 124 | Honors Core in Understanding the Past and Understanding the Creative Arts d | 3 |
HON 125 | Honors Core in Understanding the Past and Exploring World Cultures e | 3 |
HON 126 | Honors Core in Understanding the Past and Understanding U.S. Society f | 3 |
HON 131 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World and Understanding the Past a | 3 |
HON 141 | Honors Core in Understanding the Past | 3 |
Humanities | ||
HUM 102 | 3 | |
Italian | ||
ITAL 230 | Italian and Italian American Culture and Civilization (Same as CL 230) e | 3 |
ITAL 293 | Dante's Divine Comedy (Same as CST 293 and RELS 293) d | 3 |
Jewish Studies | ||
JST 102 | Introduction to Jewish History (Same as RELS 126) b | 3 |
JST 103 | Introduction to Israel Studies e | 3 |
JST 124 | Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (Same as CL 124 and RELS 124) | 3 |
JST 242 | The History of Jewish Biblical Interpretation (Same as CL 242 and RELS 242) | 3 |
Latin American and Latino Studies | ||
LALS 101 | Introduction to Latin American Studies e | 3 |
LALS 102 | Introduction to Latino Studies f | 3 |
LALS 104 | Introduction to Puerto Rican Studies e | 3 |
LALS 105 | Introduction to Mexican Studies e | 3 |
LALS 275 | Gender in Latin America (Same as GWS 275 and POLS 275) e | 3 |
LALS 290 | Mexican-American History (Same as HIST 290) f | 3 |
Military Science | ||
MILS 217 | Introduction to United States Military History (Same as HIST 217) | 3 |
Music | ||
MUS 114 | Jazz History d | 3 |
MUS 118 | American Popular Music since 1850 d | 3 |
Native American Studies | ||
NAST 113 | Native American Studies: Sovereignty e,f | 3 |
Nursing Elective | ||
NUEL 244 | History of Professional Nursing in the U.S. | 3 |
Philosophy | ||
PHIL 120 | Introduction to Ancient Philosophy (Same as CL 120) b | 3 |
Political Science | ||
POLS 120 | Introduction to Political Theory b | 3 |
Public Policy | ||
PPOL 230 | Nonprofit Organizations and Civil Society f | 3 |
Religious Studies | ||
RELS 120 | Catholic Thought: An Introduction (Same as CST 120) | 3 |
RELS 128 | The Jesus Movement and the New Testament (same as CST 128 and CL 128) | 3 |
RELS 232 | The Religious World of the Earliest Christians (same as CL 232 and HIST 232) | 3 |
Theatre | ||
THTR 101 | Theatre History I: Premodern Drama d | 3 |
THTR 103 | History of Chicago Theatre Past and Present d | 3 |
THTR 159 | Fashion and Furniture: History of Cultural Influences from Gothic to Atomic d | 3 |
- a
also approved for Analyzing the Natural World
- b
also approved for Understanding the Individual and Society
- c
also approved for Understanding the Past
- d
also approved for Understanding the Creative Arts
- e
also approved for Exploring World Cultures
- f
also approved for Understanding U.S. Society
Understanding the Creative Arts
Courses in literature (e.g., fiction, poetry, drama), the arts (e.g., painting, sculpture, architecture, design, music, theatre and dance, film, photography, new media) and philosophy examine materials that explore and express the potential of the human imagination. Courses fulfilling this requirement acquaint students with issues involved in making, interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating written texts, musical works, visual and material culture, performing arts, and other media presentations in the context of the histories and cultures that have shaped and been shaped by their production. The aim is to develop the ability to read, experience, and view carefully, to think critically, to argue cogently and to communicate ideas effectively in written and oral form.
All cultures create stories, images, objects, built environments, dramas, music, etc. The study of such cultural products is an area with its own questions, techniques, and traditions. A student taking courses in this area can expect to study, in close detail, a number of significant works of literature, art, or other media. Courses in this category should facilitate a student’s ability to address one or more of the following questions:
- Basic issues of interpretation. How does a work mean anything? How does one determine meaning? How can a work have numerous meanings, often at the same time?
- Questions of poetics. How do the traditions of genres and forms, materials and means of production, and philosophies and theories influence individual literary and artistic works and their interpretation?
- Questions of value. How can such creative works be evaluated? How are critical vocabularies developed? How does a work come to be called a “classic”? How do new works and genres become accepted as art?
- Questions of cultural and historical context. How do creative works relate to the societies in which they are produced and received? How do cultural roles of creative products, definitions of art, institutions, markets, and patronage affect the creation of works of architecture, art, music, literature, and other media?
Code | Title | Hours |
Understanding the Creative Arts Courses | ||
Arabic | ||
ARAB 270 | The Reel Arab (Same as MOVI 270) | 3 |
Architecture | ||
ARCH 200 | Architecture and Society b | 4 |
Art | ||
ART 110 | Introduction to Art Education b | 4 |
ART 112 | Introduction to Drawing | 4 |
ART 130 | Introduction to Painting + Color | 4 |
ART 140 | Introduction to Sculpture | 4 |
ART 150 | Introduction to New Media Arts | 4 |
ART 151 | Introduction to Creative Coding in New Media Arts | 4 |
ART 160 | Introduction to Digital Photography | 4 |
ART 170 | Introduction to Filmmaking | 4 |
ART 190 | Introduction to Socially Engaged Art | 4 |
Art History | ||
AH 100 | Introduction to Art and Art History | 3 |
AH 110 | World History of Art and the Built Environment I | 4 |
AH 111 | World History of Art and the Built Environment II | 4 |
AH 122 | History of Chicago Architecture c | 3 |
AH 125 | Introduction to the Art and Architecture of Asia (Same as GLAS 125) e | 3 |
AH 140 | World Architecture, Climate, and Ecology: An Alternative History e | 3 |
AH 150 | Art and Money c | 3 |
AH 160 | Trends in International Contemporary Art Since 1960 | 3 |
AH 172 | Visual Culture of the Ancient Americas e | 3 |
AH 180 | Intro to Museum & Exhibition b | 3 |
AH 201 | Reading and Writing Art Criticism | 3 |
AH 209 | Near Eastern Art and Archaeology (Same as CL 209) c | 3 |
AH 210 | Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology (Same as BLST 210 and CL 210) c | 3 |
AH 211 | History of Urbanism | 3 |
AH 219 | Art and Architecture of East Asia (Same as GLAS 219) e | 3 |
AH 220 | Buddhist Art and Architecture (Same as RELS 220 and GLAS 220) e | 3 |
AH 223 | Baroque Architecture | 3 |
AH 230 | History of Photography I: 1820-1920 | 3 |
AH 231 | History of Photography II: 1900 to Present | 3 |
AH 242 | Early Christian and Byzantine Art and Architecture | 3 |
AH 243 | Medieval Art and Architecture | 3 |
AH 244 | Islamic Art and Architecture e | 3 |
AH 250 | Italian Renaissance Art | 3 |
AH 251 | Northern Renaissance Art and Architecture | 3 |
AH 252 | Art of the Baroque and Rococo | 3 |
AH 259 | Art in the Age of Enlightenment and Revolution c | 3 |
AH 260 | European Art from 1750 to 1900 | 3 |
AH 261 | European and American Art from 1900 to the Present | 3 |
AH 262 | American Art to 1945 | 3 |
AH 263 | Latin American Colonial Art (Same as LALS 263) e | 3 |
AH 264 | African American Art (Same as BLST 264) e | 3 |
AH 265 | History of Performance Art 1900 - Present | 3 |
AH 270 | African Art (Same as BLST 270) e | 3 |
AH 271 | Native American Art (Same as NAST 271) e | 3 |
AH 273 | Visual Culture of the Ancient Andes (Same as LALS 239) e | 3 |
AH 274 | Visual Culture of Ancient Mesoamerica (Same as LALS 240) e | 3 |
AH 275 | South Asian Visual Cultures e | 3 |
Black Studies | ||
BLST 105 | Black Film, 1900 - Present: Images, Individuals and Ideas on Screen (Same as COMM 105 and MOVI 105) f | 3 |
BLST 110 | Introduction to African American Literature, 1760-1910 (Same as ENGL 118) f | 3 |
BLST 111 | Introduction to African American Literature Since 1910 (Same as ENGL 119) f | 3 |
BLST 250 | Comparative Black Literatures (Same as ENGL 260) | 3 |
BLST 262 | Black Cultural Studies (Same as ENGL 262) f | 3 |
Central and Eastern European Studies | ||
CEES 208 | Central and Eastern European Cinema (Same as MOVI 208) | 3 |
CEES 246 | European Avant-Garde (Same as AH 246) | 3 |
CEES 250 | Eurasian Cinema: Film and Media Across Borders (Same as MOVI 250) e | 4 |
Classics | ||
CL 102 | Introduction to Classical Literature c | 3 |
CL 103 | Introduction to Classical and Mediterranean Archaeology c | 3 |
CL 204 | Greek Art and Archaeology (Same as AH 204 and HIST 204) c | 3 |
CL 205 | Roman Art and Archaeology (Same as AH 205 and HIST 205) c | 3 |
CL 250 | Greek and Roman Epic Poetry c | 3 |
CL 251 | Greek Tragedy c | 3 |
CL 252 | Greek and Roman Comedy c | 3 |
CL 253 | Roman Satire and Rhetoric c | 3 |
CL 297 | Studies in the Classical Tradition (Same as ENGL 297) c | 3 |
Civil, Materials, and Environmental Engineering | ||
CME 111 | The Art of Structural Form | 3 |
Disability and Human Development | ||
DHD 102 | Disability in American Film f | 3 |
DHD 204 | Disability in the Humanities | 3 |
English | ||
ENGL 101 | Understanding Literature and Culture | 3 |
ENGL 103 | Understanding Poetry | 3 |
ENGL 104 | Understanding Drama | 3 |
ENGL 105 | Understanding Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 123 | Introduction to Asian American Literature (Same as GLAS 123) f | 3 |
ENGL 131 | Understanding Moving Image Arts (Same as MOVI 131) | 3 |
ENGL 132 | Understanding Film (Same as MOVI 132) | 3 |
ENGL 135 | Understanding Popular Genres and Culture b | 3 |
ENGL 154 | Understanding Rhetoric b | 3 |
ENGL 175 | Understanding the Bible as Literature (Same as RELS 175) | 3 |
ENGL 207 | Interpretation and Critical Analysis | 3 |
ENGL 208 | English Studies I: Beginnings to the 17th Century c | 3 |
ENGL 209 | English Studies II: 17th Century to Today | 3 |
ENGL 213 | Introduction to Shakespeare c | 3 |
ENGL 223 | Introduction to Colonial and Postcolonial Literature e | 3 |
ENGL 230 | Introduction to Film and Culture (Same as MOVI 230) b | 3 |
ENGL 232 | History of Film I: 1890 to World War II (Same as AH 232 and MOVI 232) | 3 |
ENGL 233 | History of Film II: World War II to the Present (Same as AH 233 and MOVI 233) | 3 |
ENGL 236 | Young Adult Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 237 | Graphic Novels | 3 |
ENGL 238 | Speculative Fiction, Sci-Fi and Fantasy | 3 |
ENGL 245 | Introduction to Gender, Sexuality and Literature (Same as GWS 245) b | 3 |
ENGL 247 | Women and Literature (Same as GWS 247) b | 3 |
ENGL 251 | Literature and Environment | 3 |
ENGL 264 | Introduction to Native American Literatures (Same as NAST 264) f | 3 |
ENGL 267 | Introduction to U.S. Latinx Literature (Same as LALS 267) | 3 |
ENGL 269 | Introduction to Multiethnic Literatures in the United States f | 3 |
ENGL 290 | Introduction to the Writing of Poetry | 3 |
ENGL 291 | Introduction to the Writing of Fiction | 3 |
ENGL 292 | Introduction to the Writing of Nonfiction Prose | 3 |
French | ||
FR 191 | African and Caribbean Francophone Literature in Translation (Same as BLST 191) e | 3 |
FR 295 | Science Fiction and Fantasy in the French-Speaking World e | 3 |
FR 297 | Paris in Literature, Film, and Culture e | 3 |
FR 298 | French Literature, Drama and/or Film in Translation e | 3 |
Germanic Studies | ||
GER 100 | Introduction to Germanic Cultures and Literatures e | 3 |
GER 122 | Minority Perspectives in the Germanic Context (Same as JST 122 and RELS 122) e | 3 |
GER 123 | Introduction to Yiddish Culture and Literature (Same as JST 123 and RELS 123) e | 3 |
GER 217 | Introduction to German Cinema e | 4 |
GER 219 | Princesses and Storytellers: Fairy Tales by the Brothers Grimm and Their Cultural Afterlives c | 3 |
Global Asian Studies | ||
GLAS 223 | Global Hip-hop and Asian Diasporas | 3 |
Honors College | ||
HON 121 | Honors Core in Understanding Individual and Society and Understanding Creative Arts b | 3 |
HON 124 | Honors Core in Understanding the Past and Understanding the Creative Arts c | 3 |
HON 127 | Honors Core in Understanding the Creative Arts and Exploring World Cultures e | 3 |
HON 128 | Honors Core in Understanding the Creative Arts and Understanding U.S. Society f | 3 |
HON 132 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World and Understanding the Creative Arts a | 3 |
HON 142 | Honors Core in Understanding the Creative Arts | 3 |
Interdisciplinary Education in the Arts | ||
IDEA 110 | Creativity and Innovation in Design and Arts | 4 |
Italian | ||
ITAL 280 | Italian and Italian American Cinema (Same as MOVI 280) e | 3 |
ITAL 293 | Dante's Divine Comedy (Same as CST 293 and RELS 293) c | 3 |
Latin American and Latino Studies | ||
LALS 109 | Introduction to Latino Cultures f | 3 |
LALS 110 | Introduction to Latin American Cultures e | 3 |
LALS 260 | Indigenous Storytelling in Latin America e | 3 |
LALS 278 | Latin American/Latino Film Studies (Same as MOVI 278 and SPAN 278) e | 4 |
LALS 295 | Latino Literary Studies (Same as ENGL 295 and SPAN 295) f | 3 |
Literatures, Cultural Studies, and Linguistics | ||
LCSL 207 | European Cinema (Same as GER 207 and SPAN 207) e | 3 |
LCSL 250 | Introduction to Comparative Cultural Studies e | 3 |
LCSL 275 | Encoding Text Cultures: Reading with Computers in Text-based Humanities | 3 |
Lithuanian | ||
LITH 130 | Lithuanian Prose Fiction in International Context e | 3 |
Music | ||
MUS 100 | Introduction to Music I | 3 |
MUS 107 | Fundamentals of Music Theory | 3 |
MUS 113 | Art Song | 3 |
MUS 114 | Jazz History c | 3 |
MUS 115 | Opera | 3 |
MUS 117 | Music for Symphony Orchestra | 3 |
MUS 118 | American Popular Music since 1850 c | 3 |
MUS 119 | Music for the Piano | 3 |
MUS 127 | Latin American Music (Same as LALS 127) e | 3 |
MUS 227 | Music Cultures of the World e | 3 |
MUS 240 | Music, Gender and Culture (Same as GWS 240) b | 3 |
Philosophy | ||
PHIL 107 | What is Art? | 3 |
Polish | ||
POL 120 | The Polish Short Story in Translation e | 3 |
POL 130 | Masterworks of Polish Literature in Translation e | 3 |
POL 140 | Polish Drama in Translation (Same as THTR 140) e | 3 |
POL 150 | Introduction to Polish Cinema e | 3 |
POL 220 | Modern Polish-Jewish Culture and Literatures (Same as CEES 220 and JST 220) e | 3 |
Russian | ||
RUSS 120 | The Russian Short Story in Translation e | 3 |
RUSS 130 | Masterpieces of Russian Literature in Translation e | 3 |
RUSS 140 | Understanding the Body: Health, Gender, and Disability in Russian Culture e | 3 |
RUSS 150 | Introduction to Russian Cinema e | 3 |
RUSS 241 | Dostoyevsky | 3 |
RUSS 242 | Tolstoy | 3 |
RUSS 244 | Women in Russian Literature (Same as GWS 244) e | 3 |
RUSS 247 | Literature and Fantasy in Russia | 3 |
RUSS 248 | Russian Visual and Material Culture (Same as AH 248) | 3 |
Spanish | ||
SPAN 226 | Early Modern Spanish and Colonial Latin American Literature and Culture in Translation e | 3 |
Special Education | ||
SPED 201 | Children’s Literature and Disabilities (Same as ED 201) | 3 |
Theatre | ||
THTR 101 | Theatre History I: Premodern Drama c | 3 |
THTR 102 | Introduction to Theatre: A Collaborative Art | 3 |
THTR 103 | History of Chicago Theatre Past and Present c | 3 |
THTR 105 | Introduction to American Musical Theatre f | 3 |
THTR 159 | Fashion and Furniture: History of Cultural Influences from Gothic to Atomic c | 3 |
THTR 201 | Theatre History II: Modern Theatre | 3 |
THTR 245 | East Asian Theatre | 3 |
- a
also approved for Analyzing the Natural World
- b
also approved for Understanding the Individual and Society
- c
also approved for Understanding the Past
- d
also approved for Understanding the Creative Arts
- e
also approved for Exploring World Cultures
- f
also approved for Understanding U.S. Society
Exploring World Cultures
A global society demands that individuals gain an appreciation of cultures that are different from their own. Courses in this category explore how cultures function and how they may arise and change, whether through the internationalization of economies, social or political forces, changes in environment, or the development of new technologies. Further, these courses aim to provide students with the necessary tools to study and evaluate disparate social systems and cultural products.
Courses in this category should address significant aspects of any culture that is not part of the mainstream American culture. They should be designed to facilitate the students’ ability to do one or more of the following:
- Analyze a culture, including its political, social, ethical, communicative, or economic systems.
- Analyze how cultures are formed, transmitted, and changed.
- Compare different cultures.
- Explore the values or cultural products of non-U.S. cultures.
- Analyze the influence of other cultures upon U.S. culture.
Code | Title | Hours |
Exploring World Cultures Courses | ||
Anthropology | ||
ANTH 100 | The Human Adventure c | 3 |
ANTH 101 | World Cultures: Introduction to Social Anthropology b | 3 |
ANTH 207 | Asian Cities: Urban Cultures of the Global South (Same as GLAS 207) | 3 |
ANTH 208 | Virtual Lives: Science, Technology, and Culture | 3 |
ANTH 215 | Anthropology of Religion (Same as RELS 215) b | 3 |
ANTH 216 | Medicine, Culture, and Society b | 3 |
ANTH 219 | Anthropology of Globalization | 3 |
ANTH 273 | Ethnography of Southeast Asia (Same as GEOG 273) b | 3 |
ANTH 277 | Ethnography of Meso-America (Same as LALS 270) b | 3 |
ANTH 279 | South Asian Cultures and Societies (Same as GLAS 279) b | 3 |
Arabic | ||
ARAB 105 | Modern Arab Culture | 3 |
ARAB 230 | Arabic Literature in Translation | 3 |
ARAB 250 | The Heritage of Muslim Iberia c | 3 |
Art History | ||
AH 125 | Introduction to the Art and Architecture of Asia (Same as GLAS 125) d | 3 |
AH 140 | World Architecture, Climate, and Ecology: An Alternative History d | 3 |
AH 172 | Visual Culture of the Ancient Americas d | 3 |
AH 219 | Art and Architecture of East Asia (Same as GLAS 219) d | 3 |
AH 220 | Buddhist Art and Architecture (Same as RELS 220 and GLAS 220) d | 3 |
AH 244 | Islamic Art and Architecture d | 3 |
AH 263 | Latin American Colonial Art (Same as LALS 263) d | 3 |
AH 264 | African American Art (Same as BLST 264) d | 3 |
AH 270 | African Art (Same as BLST 270) d | 3 |
AH 271 | Native American Art (Same as NAST 271) d | 3 |
AH 273 | Visual Culture of the Ancient Andes (Same as LALS 239) d | 3 |
AH 274 | Visual Culture of Ancient Mesoamerica (Same as LALS 240) d | 3 |
AH 275 | South Asian Visual Cultures d | 3 |
Black Studies | ||
BLST 101 | Introduction to Black Diaspora Studies c | 3 |
BLST 207 | Racism: Global Perspectives (Same as SOC 207) b | 3 |
BLST 221 | The Atlantic Slave Trade: Violence, Exploitation, Resistance c | 3 |
Disability and Human Development | ||
DHD 203 | Disability in World Cultures | 3 |
Central and Eastern European Studies | ||
CEES 250 | Eurasian Cinema: Film and Media Across Borders (Same as MOVI 250) d | 4 |
English | ||
ENGL 223 | Introduction to Colonial and Postcolonial Literature d | 3 |
French | ||
FR 191 | African and Caribbean Francophone Literature in Translation (Same as BLST 191) d | 3 |
FR 295 | Science Fiction and Fantasy in the French-Speaking World d | 3 |
FR 297 | Paris in Literature, Film, and Culture d | 3 |
FR 298 | French Literature, Drama and/or Film in Translation d | 3 |
Gender and Women’s Studies | ||
GWS 102 | Global Perspectives on Women and Gender b | 3 |
GWS 255 | Introduction to Middle East and Muslim Feminisms (Same as ANTH 255 and GLAS 255) | 3 |
GWS 262 | Constructions of Gender, Race, Health, and Human Rights (Same as ANTH 262) b | 3 |
Geography | ||
GEOG 161 | Introduction to Economic Geography b | 3 |
GEOG 203 | Human Geography of Latin America including the Caribbean Region (Same as LALS 217) b | 3 |
Germanic Studies | ||
GER 100 | Introduction to Germanic Cultures and Literatures d | 3 |
GER 120 | Study of Gender, Class, and Political Issues in German Texts (Same as GWS 120) b | 3 |
GER 122 | Minority Perspectives in the Germanic Context (Same as JST 122 and RELS 122) d | 3 |
GER 123 | Introduction to Yiddish Culture and Literature (Same as JST 123 and RELS 123) d | 3 |
GER 125 | Diaspora, Exile, Genocide: Aspects of the European Jewish Experience in Literature and Film. (Same as JST 125 and RELS 127) c | 3 |
GER 217 | Introduction to German Cinema d | 4 |
Global Asian Studies | ||
GLAS 100 | Introduction to Global Asian Studies | 3 |
GLAS 201 | Asian Markets, Corporations, and Social Justice (Same as ANTH 201) | 3 |
GLAS 229 | Introduction to Asian Film (Same as ENGL 229 and MOVI 229) | 3 |
GLAS 242 | Introduction to Arab American Studies (Same as ANTH 242) f | 3 |
GLAS 244 | Arab and Asian Connections in the U.S. and Globally (Same as ANTH 244) f | 3 |
GLAS 248 | Afro Asian Solidarities (Same as ANTH 248 and GWS 248) f | 3 |
GLAS 270 | Topics in Asian Cultures and Societies | 3 |
Greek, Modern | ||
GKM 105 | Modern Greek Culture | 3 |
GKM 203 | Modern Greek Authors in Translation | 3 |
History | ||
HIST 100 | Western Civilization to 1648 c | 3 |
HIST 101 | Western Civilization Since 1648 c | 3 |
HIST 105 | Global Transformations and the Rise of the West Since 1000 (Same as INST 105) c | 3 |
HIST 106 | The World Since 1400: Converging Worlds, New Circulations (Same as INST 106) c | 3 |
HIST 109 | East Asian Civilization: Ancient China (Same as GLAS 109) c | 3 |
HIST 161 | Introduction to Latin American History (Same as LALS 161) c | 3 |
HIST 170 | The Ottoman Empire c | 3 |
HIST 177 | Middle Eastern Civilization (Same as RELS 177) c | 3 |
HIST 202 | Ancient Greece (Same as CL 202) c | 3 |
HIST 203 | Ancient Rome (Same as CL 203) c | 3 |
HIST 221 | The Atlantic Slave Trade (Same as BLST 221) c | 3 |
HIST 225 | The Age of Revolution in France: 1715-1848 c | 3 |
HIST 226 | France and the World, 1848-present c | 3 |
HIST 236 | Russia Between Europe and Asia: Eurasian Spaces and Peoples in the Premodern Era c | 3 |
HIST 241 | Precolonial Africa in World History (Same as BLST 241) c | 3 |
HIST 242 | History of Modern Africa (Same as BLST 242) c | 3 |
HIST 261 | Latin America to 1850 (Same as LALS 261) c | 3 |
HIST 262 | Latin America Since 1850 (Same as LALS 262) c | 3 |
HIST 264 | The Pacific Rim in Modern History (Same as GLAS 264) c | 3 |
HIST 266 | Modern Mexico (Same as LALS 266) c | 3 |
HIST 271 | Late Imperial China: 1500 to 1911 (Same as GLAS 271) c | 3 |
HIST 272 | China Since 1911 (Same as GLAS 272) c | 3 |
HIST 275 | History of South Asia to 1857 (Same as GLAS 275) c | 3 |
HIST 276 | Modern South Asia, 1857 to the Present (Same as GLAS 276) c | 3 |
HIST 277 | The Middle East to 1258 c | 3 |
HIST 278 | The Middle East Since 1258 c | 3 |
Honors College | ||
HON 122 | Honors Core in Understanding Individual and Society and Exploring World Cultures b | 3 |
HON 125 | Honors Core in Understanding the Past and Exploring World Cultures c | 3 |
HON 127 | Honors Core in Understanding the Creative Arts and Exploring World Cultures d | 3 |
HON 129 | Honors Core in Exploring World Cultures and Understanding U.S. Society f | 3 |
HON 133 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World and Exploring World Cultures a | 3 |
HON 143 | Honors Core in Exploring World Cultures | 3 |
Human Nutrition | ||
HN 202 | Culture and Food | 2 |
Italian | ||
ITAL 230 | Italian and Italian American Culture and Civilization (Same as CL 230) c | 3 |
ITAL 280 | Italian and Italian American Cinema (Same as MOVI 280) d | 3 |
Jewish Studies | ||
JST 103 | Introduction to Israel Studies c | 3 |
JST 203 | Israel Film: Aspects of History, Life, and Culture | 3 |
Korean | ||
KOR 130 | Understanding Korean History, Culture and Society through Contemporary Korean Films (Same as MOVI 130) | 3 |
KOR 230 | Korean Popular Culture in a Global World | 3 |
Latin American and Latino Studies | ||
LALS 101 | Introduction to Latin American Studies c | 3 |
LALS 104 | Introduction to Puerto Rican Studies c | 3 |
LALS 105 | Introduction to Mexican Studies c | 3 |
LALS 107 | Introduction to Nahua Studies | 3 |
LALS 108 | Indigenous Culture Change in Latin America | 3 |
LALS 110 | Introduction to Latin American Cultures d | 3 |
LALS 220 | Latin American Cities in a Global Context: Environment, Employment, and Housing (Same as US 220) b | 3 |
LALS 260 | Indigenous Storytelling in Latin America d | 3 |
LALS 269 | Latin American Environmental Studies b | 3 |
LALS 275 | Gender in Latin America (Same as GWS 275 and POLS 275) c | 3 |
LALS 278 | Latin American/Latino Film Studies (Same as MOVI 278 and SPAN 278) d | 4 |
Linguistics | ||
LING 170 | Languages of the World b | 3 |
Literatures, Cultural Studies, and Linguistics | ||
LCSL 207 | European Cinema (Same as GER 207 and SPAN 207) d | 3 |
LCSL 250 | Introduction to Comparative Cultural Studies d | 3 |
Lithuanian | ||
LITH 115 | Lithuanian Culture | 3 |
LITH 130 | Lithuanian Prose Fiction in International Context d | 3 |
Music | ||
MUS 127 | Latin American Music (Same as LALS 127) d | 3 |
MUS 227 | Music Cultures of the World d | 3 |
Native American Studies | ||
NAST 113 | Native American Studies: Sovereignty c,f | 3 |
Philosophy | ||
PHIL 240 | Philosophy and Revelation: Jewish and Christian Perspectives (Same as RELS 240 and JST 240) b | 3 |
Polish | ||
POL 115 | Introduction to Polish Culture | 3 |
POL 120 | The Polish Short Story in Translation d | 3 |
POL 130 | Masterworks of Polish Literature in Translation d | 3 |
POL 140 | Polish Drama in Translation (Same as THTR 140) d | 3 |
POL 150 | Introduction to Polish Cinema d | 3 |
POL 220 | Modern Polish-Jewish Culture and Literatures (Same as CEES 220 and JST 220) d | 3 |
Political Science | ||
POLS 184 | Introduction to International Relations (Same as INST 184) b | 3 |
POLS 231 | Politics and Society of China (Same as GLAS 231 and HIST 231) | 3 |
POLS 232 | Politics in Korea (Same as GLAS 232) | 3 |
POLS 243 | Politics and Government of the Middle East (Same as JST 243) | 3 |
Public Policy | ||
PPOL 232 | International Development Policy b | 3 |
Public Health | ||
PUBH 110 | Public Health and Global Societies b | 3 |
Religious Studies | ||
RELS 101 | Introduction to World Religions | 3 |
RELS 130 | Introduction to Islam | 3 |
RELS 230 | Topics in Islam | 3 |
RELS 250 | Eastern and Western Philosophies of Religion (Same as INST 250) | 3 |
Russian | ||
RUSS 115 | Russian Culture Before the Revolution | 3 |
RUSS 116 | Russian Culture: The Soviet Period | 3 |
RUSS 120 | The Russian Short Story in Translation d | 3 |
RUSS 130 | Masterpieces of Russian Literature in Translation d | 3 |
RUSS 140 | Understanding the Body: Health, Gender, and Disability in Russian Culture d | 3 |
RUSS 150 | Introduction to Russian Cinema d | 3 |
RUSS 244 | Women in Russian Literature (Same as GWS 244) d | 3 |
Sociology | ||
SOC 268 | Introduction to Comparative Sociology b | 3 |
Spanish | ||
SPAN 192 | Latin American Women Writers in Translation (Same as GWS 192 and LALS 192) b | 3 |
SPAN 225 | Spanish and Latin American Culture through Literature and Film (Same as MOVI 225) | 3 |
SPAN 226 | Early Modern Spanish and Colonial Latin American Literature and Culture in Translation d | 3 |
Special Education | ||
SPED 202 | International Perspectives: Inclusive Education and Schooling (same as ED 202) b | 3 |
Urban Studies | ||
US 100 | Concepts in Geography (Same as GEOG 100) b | 3 |
US 220 | Latin American Cities in a Global Context: Environment, Employment, and Housing b | 3 |
- a
also approved for Analyzing the Natural World
- b
also approved for Understanding the Individual and Society
- c
also approved for Understanding the Past
- d
also approved for Understanding the Creative Arts
- e
also approved for Exploring World Cultures
- f
also approved for Understanding U.S. Society
Understanding U.S. Society
The United States is a country that is often characterized by its diversity, including diversity of cultures, religions, classes, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and gender practices. The aim of this category is to study these diversities, explore the principles and experiences that unite us in the face of them, and perhaps most importantly, to examine critically the social, cultural, and political tensions that arise between that which unites and that which divides us. The goal is thus to understand our society and our political and economic systems, whether to gain knowledge of the past events that have shaped current ones, to gain the means to evaluate critically current policy and to shape future ones, or to develop a deeper understanding of the complexities of our current communities.
Courses in this category should address some significant aspect of U.S. society as their central focus. They should be designed to facilitate the students’ ability to do one or more of the following:
- Analyze aspects of U.S. society.
- Analyze the communicative, political, social, economic, or cultural systems in the U.S.
- Explore the diverse communities—racial, ethnic, class, gender, religious, and sexual—that define cultural and political life in the United States.
- Critically examine the tensions among various groups within U.S. society.
- Explore contemporary governmental policies.
- Analyze the role and influence of the U.S. in the world.
- Study events, ideas, or movements that have influenced U.S. society.
Code | Title | Hours |
Understanding U.S. Society Courses | ||
Black Studies | ||
BLST 100 | Introduction to Black Studies b | 3 |
BLST 103 | Black Politics and Culture in the United States (Same as POLS 112) b | 3 |
BLST 104 | Race, Place, and Schooling: Black Americans and Education (Same as EDPS 104) b | 3 |
BLST 105 | Black Film, 1900 - Present: Images, Individuals and Ideas on Screen (Same as COMM 105 and MOVI 105) d | 3 |
BLST 110 | Introduction to African American Literature, 1760-1910 (Same as ENGL 118) d | 3 |
BLST 111 | Introduction to African American Literature Since 1910 (Same as ENGL 119) d | 3 |
BLST 125 | Black Religious Traditions (Same as RELS 125) c | 3 |
BLST 246 | Black Lives in Historical Context (Same as HIST 243) c | 3 |
BLST 247 | African American History to 1877 (Same as HIST 247) c | 3 |
BLST 248 | African American History since 1877 (Same as HIST 248) c | 3 |
BLST 249 | Black Freedom Movements in the U.S. c | 3 |
BLST 262 | Black Cultural Studies (Same as ENGL 262) d | 3 |
BLST 265 | Harlem Renaissance (Same as ENGL 265) c | 3 |
BLST 271 | Race and the Politics of Incarceration (Same as CLJ 271 and SOC 271) b | 3 |
BLST 272 | Race, Gender, and Sexuality (Same as GWS 272) b | 3 |
Catholic Studies | ||
CST 150 | Catholicism in U.S. History (Same as RELS 150 and HIST 150) | 3 |
Civil and Materials Engineering | ||
CME 112 | Evolution of Infrastructure and Society | 3 |
Criminology, Law, and Justice | ||
CLJ 101 | Introduction to Criminology, Law, and Justice | 3 |
CLJ 102 | Foundations of Law and Justice | 3 |
CLJ 110 | Rights, Justice and the Law | 3 |
CLJ 114 | Race, Class, Gender and the Law | 3 |
CLJ 120 | Crime and Society | 3 |
CLJ 121 | Violence in Society | 3 |
CLJ 122 | Gangs and the Media | 3 |
CLJ 200 | Law and Society | 3 |
Dialogue | ||
DLG 220 | Intergroup Dialogue b | 3 |
Disability and Human Development | ||
DHD 101 | Disability in U.S. Society b | 3 |
DHD 102 | Disability in American Film d | 3 |
DHD 206 | Disability, Inclusive Cities, and Environmental Accessibility a | 3 |
Economics | ||
ECON 120 | Principles of Microeconomics b | 4 |
ECON 121 | Principles of Macroeconomics b | 4 |
Education | ||
ED 100 | Introduction to Urban Education b | 3 |
ED 135 | Child and Youth Policies in Urban America b | 3 |
ED 200 | Education Policy Foundations | 3 |
ED 205 | Introduction to Race, Ethnicity, and Education b | 3 |
ED 222 | Introduction to Gender, Sexuality, and Education b | 3 |
ED 252 | Contemporary Controversies in U.S. Schools | 3 |
ED 253 | Current Debates in Higher Education | 3 |
ED 258 | Language Development and Learning in a Diverse Society b | 3 |
English | ||
ENGL 123 | Introduction to Asian American Literature (Same as GLAS 123) d | 3 |
ENGL 253 | Environmental Rhetoric c | 3 |
ENGL 258 | The Grammar and Style of Non-Standard Englishes in the U.S. b | 3 |
ENGL 264 | Introduction to Native American Literatures (Same as NAST 264) d | 3 |
ENGL 269 | Introduction to Multiethnic Literatures in the United States d | 3 |
Entrepreneurship | ||
ENTR 200 | Survey of Entrepreneurship b | 3 |
Gender and Women’s Studies | ||
GWS 101 | Gender in Everyday Life b | 3 |
GWS 204 | Gender and Popular Culture (Same as COMM 204) b | 3 |
Global Asian Studies | ||
GLAS 120 | Introduction to Asian American Studies (Same as SOC 120) b | 3 |
GLAS 210 | Asian American Histories (Same as HIST 210) b | 3 |
GLAS 217 | Introduction to Filipino American Studies | 3 |
GLAS 230 | Cultural Politics of Asian American Food b | 3 |
GLAS 242 | Introduction to Arab American Studies (Same as ANTH 242) e | 3 |
GLAS 244 | Arab and Asian Connections in the U.S. and Globally (Same as ANTH 244) 3 | 3 |
GLAS 248 | Afro Asian Solidarities (Same as ANTH 248 and GWS 248) e | 3 |
GLAS 250 | Critical Issues in Community Engagement b | 3 |
GLAS 252 | U.S. Racism and Imperialism (same as BLST 252) c | 3 |
GLAS 263 | Asian American Gender and Sexual Diversity (Same as GWS 263) b | 3 |
History | ||
HIST 103 | Early America: From Colonization to Civil War and Reconstruction c | 3 |
HIST 104 | Modern America: From Industrialization to Globalization c | 3 |
HIST 240 | Radicalism in America: From the Revolution to Occupy Wall Street c | 3 |
HIST 245 | Imagining the American West c | 3 |
HIST 246 | History of American Capitalism (Same as POLS 246) c | 3 |
HIST 249 | The American Civil War c | 3 |
HIST 252 | Sexuality in America: Historical Perspectives (Same as GWS 252) c | 3 |
HIST 253 | The Worker in American Life c | 3 |
HIST 255 | History of Chicago c | 3 |
HIST 256 | Religion in American History (Same as RELS 256) c | 3 |
HIST 259 | Women and Gender in American History (Same as GWS 259) c | 3 |
HIST 267 | American Intellectual History to 1865 (Same as POLS 267) c | 3 |
HIST 268 | American Intellectual History since 1865 (Same as POLS 268) c | 3 |
HIST 293 | The Gilded and the Gritty: Power, Culture, and the Making of 20th-century America c | 3 |
Honors College | ||
HON 123 | Honors Core in Understanding Individual and Society and Understanding U.S. Society b | 3 |
HON 126 | Honors Core in Understanding the Past and Understanding U.S. Society c | 3 |
HON 128 | Honors Core in Understanding the Creative Arts and Understanding U.S. Society d | 3 |
HON 129 | Honors Core in Exploring World Cultures and Understanding U.S. Society e | 3 |
HON 134 | Honors Core in Analyzing the Natural World and Understanding U.S. Society a | 3 |
HON 144 | Honors Core in Understanding U.S. Society | 3 |
Italian | ||
ITAL 270 | Migration, Society and Identity in the Italian and Italian American Experience (Same as ENGL 270) b | 3 |
Latin American and Latino Studies | ||
LALS 102 | Introduction to Latino Studies c | 3 |
LALS 103 | Introduction to Latino Urban Studies b | 3 |
LALS 109 | Introduction to Latino Cultures d | 3 |
LALS 276 | Latinas in the United States (Same as GWS 276 and SOC 226) b | 3 |
LALS 283 | Latinos and Politics (Same as POLS 209) | 3 |
LALS 290 | Mexican-American History (Same as HIST 290) c | 3 |
LALS 295 | Latino Literary Studies (Same as ENGL 295 and SPAN 295) d | 3 |
Linguistics | ||
LING 160 | Language and Society b | 3 |
LING 260 | Language Acquisition, Language Contact and Bilingualism b | 3 |
Native American Studies | ||
NAST 113 | Native American Studies: Sovereignty c,e | 3 |
Pharmacy | ||
PHAR 201 | Pharmaceutical Care in the US | 3 |
Philosophy | ||
PHIL 104 | Introduction to Political Philosophy b | 3 |
PHIL 131 | Educational Ethics (Same as ED 131) b | 3 |
Political Science | ||
POLS 101 | Introduction to American Government and Politics b | 3 |
Public Policy | ||
PPOL 101 | Contemporary Issues in Public Policy b | 3 |
PPOL 210 | Introduction to Public Policy | 3 |
PPOL 212 | Evidence-Based Public Policy | 3 |
PPOL 220 | Introduction to Civic Technology | 3 |
PPOL 230 | Nonprofit Organizations and Civil Society c | 3 |
PPOL 231 | Social Policy and Inequality in the U.S. | 3 |
PPOL 240 | Environmental Policy | 3 |
Public Health | ||
PUBH 100 | Health and the Public b | 3 |
Religious Studies | ||
RELS 256 | Religion in American History c | 3 |
Social Justice | ||
SJ 201 | Theories and Practices of Social Justice | 3 |
Sociology | ||
SOC 100 | Introduction to Sociology b | 3 |
SOC 105 | Social Problems b | 3 |
SOC 215 | Sociology of Childhood and Youth b | 3 |
SOC 224 | Gender and Society (Same as GWS 224) b | 3 |
SOC 225 | Racial and Ethnic Groups (Same as BLST 225 and LALS 225) b | 3 |
SOC 228 | Sociology of Asia and Asian Americans (Same as GLAS 228) b | 3 |
SOC 229 | Sociology of Latinos (Same as LALS 229) b | 3 |
SOC 241 | Social Inequalities b | 3 |
SOC 244 | Sociology of Work b | 3 |
SOC 245 | Marriage and Family b | 3 |
SOC 246 | Sociology of Religion (Same as RELS 246) b | 3 |
SOC 251 | Health and Medicine b | 3 |
SOC 276 | Urban Sociology b | 3 |
Spanish | ||
SPAN 224 | Bilingual/Bicultural Hispanic American Writers | 3 |
Theatre | ||
THTR 105 | Introduction to American Musical Theatre d | 3 |
Urban Studies | ||
US 101 | Introduction to Urban Studies | 3 |
US 130 | Principles of Urban Sustainability | 3 |
US 202 | Social Justice and the City | 3 |
US 230 | Practices for Sustainable Cities | 3 |
- a
also approved for Analyzing the Natural World
- b
also approved for Understanding the Individual and Society
- c
also approved for Understanding the Past
- d
also approved for Understanding the Creative Arts
- e
also approved for Exploring World Cultures
- f
also approved for Understanding U.S. Society